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Let's Make A Story

loose parts.png
1. Gather loose parts: 

You can go outside to gather materials such as grass, twigs, leaves, rocks, feathers and pine cones. Household recycling can also be a great source of objects. Look around the house for small objects such as buttons, clothes pins, corks, pull tabs from cans, yarn, etc...


2. Make your build:

Now it's time to play. Using the loose parts start building your scene or your character(s). Maybe you will do both depending on the prompt you are using. Move them around; stack them on top of each other; rearrange.

3. Tell your story:

There are many ways to tell your story. You can tell it to someone; you can act it out; you can draw it; or even write it down if you want. Where does your story take place? Who is in your story? Is there a problem? Does the problem have a solution? How does your story end?

4. Share your story:

If you would like to share your story, using writing or recording, you can send it to me. Let me know if you would like to also share it on our student page on the website. Email

CC BY-NC 4.0 Angela Stockman, 2020

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